Vermillion Systems - Joomla! powered CMS site with a Jquery news tab module and superfish pulldown menus.
Mrs, Inc.
MRS, Inc. Service Identity - This project involves the branding of their services into three distinct categories, each with a distinctive identity, yet related to the whole. It involved elements of corporate identity and web design. This new service brand will be launched across different channels of communication, including print and digital. The following thumbnails include preliminary designs to show the progression of the identity.
MRS, Inc. Service Identity - This project involves the branding of their services into three distinct categories, each with a distinctive identity, yet related to the whole. It involved elements of corporate identity and web design. This new service brand will be launched across different channels of communication, including print and digital. The following thumbnails include preliminary designs to show the progression of the identity.
Jeff Ganger
Founder, Principal - Non-Affiliated LLC Milwaukee, WI