GC Case

The GC Case is a glucose meter iPhone case that can track your blood sugar levels for people with Diabetes.

The GC Case can store your test strips and has a lancet to pinch your finger.

Diabetes is a growing disease that are affecting many people, including little kids who developed it. it cannot be cured when you develop it. You have to always check your blood sugar to make sure doesn't get high or major health problems related to your blood sugar can happen.

The case solves a problem where people didn't want to use their diabetes kit in public in fear of being judge by other people about their health.

It solves another problem of forgetting your kit at home when you go out. The idea of designing a phone case came from other phone cases that serve another purpose. For example, wallet case, battery case, and water proof case.

It with come with an app that will keep track of your levels every day and can send the information to your doctor so they can see how your levels are.

Freelance, Full-time
Jayson E. Gonzalez
Industrial Designer Milford, CT