Mallard - Colored Pencil Illustration - Colored Pencil Drawing for the Federal Junior Duck Stamp Competition. This entry won 3rd place over all.
Box Turtle - Colored Pencil Illustration - Colored Pencil drawing I did for the Ireland Youth Alabama Wildlife Federation Art Show. This piece was completed my 12th grade year and it finished 1st place.
Shoe Ideation 1
Backpack Ideation 1
Quick Drill Ideation
Quick Drill Ideation
Quick Drill Ideation
Quick Drill Ideation
1 HDC - Spacecraft - I sketched as many ideations of spaceships that I could fit on to a 81/2 x 11" sheet of paper.
1 HDC - Shoes - Another 1 Hour Design Challenge submission, this time for shoes. I never really sketched shoes before, but have always had an interest and I quite enjoyed sketching these.
Corey Harris
Industrial Designer Atlanta, GA