Cooking demonstration table supermarket - I made this product in cooperation with the supermarket Colruyt. With this project I graduated and got my bachelor diploma. I designed a new cooking demonstration table for supermarkets. The focus of the project was to combine all key elements of industrial product design: realism, user friendliness, economic feasibility, ergonomics, industrial production process, added value, innovation, attractiveness, ...
Emotion - This project was made considering the emotional influence products have on our all day life. The assignment existed of making a watch customised for the segment “life enjoyer”. In group we created “Liesbeth” a girl from 17 years old who likes parties and does not like to watch time at all.
Hospital night stand - The challenge of this design was to create a night stand for elderly people (70 years and older) in a hospital area. “Elderly people” are an expanding consumer group whom have to deal with low flexibility: They do not have a lot of power, they have difficulties bending, stretching, kneeling, they are smaller in height, they can not reach far, ...
Trolley & go - Trolley & go is a collapsible system used into open air. We designed a service station that can be used nearby a market place or shopping street. The user can rent a trolley to make his shopping experience more comfortable. The trolleys are collapsibles and save space when transporting them. The trolley has contrasting colours to attract people and make them aware of the service.
Redesign flashlight - This project focussed on redesigning a hand rechargeable flash light. In this design I had to reuse the internal components from the original flashlight. The feeling and inspiration used for creating a the new light are: “gadget” and “space”.
Bachelor Projects
Jasper Blockx
Industrial Designer Geel, Belgium