Video Game Watch-Initial concept sketches through ideation refinement and prototype.
Pre-Historic Sea Monsters - One of NSI International's best selling items. As manager of the product line, the packaging deadline was looming with no physical item to shoot. I constructed the tanks and 3 different vac formed themed scenes in Rhino 3D. These were used in place of traditional photography for the cover art featured on the packaging.
Shown here are a variety of Adobe Illustrator drawings for GM licensed coloring books, instruction sheet illustrations, and character studies.
Hot Stuff and I Made It - Hot Stuff and I Made It were two product lines I managed in the crafts division for NSI. Hot Stuff Paint and Pop Bracelets features hand painted prototype pops along with vac tray designs and costing and sourcing in order to bring the project to light. The I Made It items, "Paint Your Own Magic Candles" and "Paint Your Own Jewelry Box" feature hand painted prototypes on the right and hand painted and 3D modeled mix media on the left.
Smithsonian Poster-Instructions - As manager of the Smithsonian License, I was assigned the task of converting the entire product lines instructions into large format posters. Each poster required a main image and a front page layout featuring educational information approved by the Smithsonian. The back of the poster featured all of the safety labeling and step by step instruction diagrams and text. This in depth project required careful team work between myself, Smithsonian curators, and the Art Department.
Child's Denim Brander-This was a quick concept for a small-simple branding iron used to imprint a variety of stencils onto denim clothing.