Lumina - Off Grid Charging Solution

Lumina is an all in one lamp and phone charging solution for impacting off grid 3rd world nations. In impoverished nations phones often link people to jobs; however, charging stations can be busy or non accessible from remote villages. During initial research, it was discovered that a common practice of burning kerosene oils to light lamps could be utilized to power a charger using an themo-electric generator. Lumina harnesses the heat differential between the chimney of the lamp and the exterior air by using a large heat sink. The energy from this heat differential is captured by the thermo-electric generator and is transferred to the phone charger. Unfortunately, many off grid solutions for impoverished people are not adopted because they don't utilize the cultural practices of that particular group of people. Lumina aims to utilize the common practice of burning kerosene to insure use and promote cultural adoption..

Jacob Eck
Industrial Designer Charlottesville, VA