Idea 1: This design incorporates a mini reel design that would help to retract and release the cable when needed.
Idea 2: Works on a reel principle but contains a stronger structure that would suit continuous use.
Idea 3: Rotational ball reel that would be able to rotate and adjust to various angles to release cable when needed.
Idea 4: Mechanical solution that will be able to both retract and release the cable
Idea 5: A wearable more interactive product that the user can wear on there belt, thread the cable between both the wheels which will retract and release depending on which setting they choose.
Idea 6: A structured frame and works on the bases of reeling the cable onto the threaded bar. Stronger design than the others.
Chosen concept: This idea was chosen because it has the durability in the design with the practical design that would work, when joined with some ideas from idea 4 this idea could become fully automated through the use of mechanics.
Early Development: This sheet addresses the question of how the product will sit on the handle of the product and how it will be kept into place securely.
Early development: This sheet explains how the cable will be able to be placed on and off the product, A hinged side will allow for easy access for use of maintenance of general cleaning of the product.
Early Development: This sheet shows how the cable will be retained and kept in place, through the use of plastic grips to help feed the cable up to the product.
Early Development: This sheet goes into detail on how the product is attached and kept into place, the use of bolts to attach the product to the handle will create a tension-ed bond were the product will not slip or move out of place.
Early Development: Breakdown of the parts of the product and the overall components and design of the product.
Early development, this sheet helps to explain how dirt filtering will be used within the design to ensure no dirt or stones can clog or break the product.
The final finished developed concept, based upon the early chosen concept idea, with adjustments based through development with a dirt screen placed in the design.
Major Project work - Safer Lawnmowing

To create a solution based product that will be able to withdraw and retract cable when a user mow's the garden. This helps to prevent the user falling, the cable getting caught in the blades and provides a handy storage solution

Jake wardle
Derby, United Kingdom