Early overall concepts of 4 possible solutions/ideas.
Idea 1: An office pod that the user can interact with, the product would scan the users hand and then adjust all the components to the users details.
Idea 2: A 3D headset which would be able to create a holographic image and interface for the user to interact with, the possible solution to the household office.
Idea 3: A headset which would be able to portray a hologram which would allow employees to work from home efficiently.
Idea 4: A holographic ball that will be able to float and create 3D holographic images, the next product in presentation and school teaching.
The chosen concept: The pod concept was chosen for the amount of development room it had to be a product. Mini products could be created to work in conjunction with the pod as a product and an environment.
Early Development: An early development concept idea for what the pod could become with the possible products to work with this includes a screen, desk and chair.
Early Development: How the products could connect together and the possibility for the sides of the pod to be placed down to not allow the user to feel confined.
The 4 chosen products which would work within the product, while the main focus of the project is on the design of the pod, showing the versatility of the pod and the products that could work in conjunction shows the possibility of the product.
Early Development: Adjustment and development to how the inner products will work in conjunction with the pod.
Early Development: The desk and how the screen can be adjusted to lower and raise to the users perfect requirement.
Early Development: Finalizing adjustments to the desk and components of the design.
Early Development: The possible ergonomic chair which is completely adjustable to the users needs.
Early Development: Further adjustments and developments to the ergonomic chair, all the details for the inner components are completed to a detailed level.
Further development: When analyzing the shape of the product it became obvious the pod was too confined for the user and not enough space, by making the pod longer and wider the user would be able to move around in the pod.
Further Development: By making the pod a lot longer and wider the user can move through the pod without feeling confined . Some products placed onto the pod layout.
Further description: The layout of the pod and pod shape
Further Development: Pod shape development, adding further length and size as well as making the top of the product curved to create a more futuristic looking product.
Further development: Working on the locking mechanisms to help the products being connected to one another and not being able to come free easily.
Further Development: How the product would interact when locking the components into place and how the method of locking the products commences.
Further development: Side panels and features behind it.
Final Development: Final breakdown of parts and features of the final concept design.
Final developed concept for the workplace of 2030.
Industrial Design - Workplace of 2030

The brief was to design and create a product for the workplace of 2030, I designed the 'Zyra' pod which can be used as a product and used to create an environment. The pod features sensors and aids to adjust the components in the pod to the users setting.

Jake wardle
Derby, United Kingdom