The Reach For The Sky letters are "punched out" and a video of clouds passing by plays in the background. To enter the site, the user clicks "Enter Site"
Home Page. The middle image is actually a slide show and the words above it is a news ticker, created in After Effects, that will display recent news from the band such as tour dates, new song releases, etc. Images surrounding the slide show are poster images from shows the band has played in.
Youtube video of the band's recently released music video with a maroon paint splatter graphic in the background.
Band description on home page of site that is encompassed in a maroon rounded rectangle that gets darker for clarity when the user scrolls over the box.
Reach For The Sky

Prototype for Reach For The Sky website.

Reach For The Sky is a metal/rock band based in Seattle, WA. Jon Werfelmann, the lead guitarist of the band, asked to have a website built that reflected their grunge-like style.

Created using Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Muse.