This sheet describes the project in brief as well as explains the existing structures. The map on the top right is the master plan, while the smaller maps depict the initial site analysis conducted.
On this sheet, the surrounding area of the site has been analyzed and studied for patterns or models. An in-depth study of the existing community near the site was conducted by my group members.
The concept of the Community Garden was adapted from a few case studies that we looked into. The final stage of the concept plan is described in this sheet.
A Concentrated study was the final step of this studio project, where each member explored certain aspects of the site design. I chose to explore the Central Community Garden. The initial concept and Design are discussed here.
In this sheet, we look at the design decisions in depth.
Landscape Studio

This project was a joint result of a Landscape Studio project that focused on Community Gardens in an effort to promote Sustainability.
In this project, my group members and I decided to analyze and hypothesize a community that was blended within its green spaces, more importantly its agricultural lands. Growing crops, Growing a Community was the living motto of this hypothetical community.

Jaspreet Bhullar, LEED...
Master's Candidate, MS in Sustainable Design Philadelphia, PA