Tyruss Robot
Final Tyruss - Made using original outline of http://mangakabaruneh.deviantart.com/
Tyruss Robot - Made using original outline of http://mangakabaruneh.deviantart.com/
Zaku Robot Step by Step - Fifth robot illustration i have attempted. Created and then added a simplified background to give depth to the image. original model created by http://troopermanaic.deviantart.com/
Gundam Robot one - Created using photoshop: The Color and effects of the robot and background were created by myself. Created with the use of a Waccom graphics tablet.
Gundam Robot 3 - Created using photoshop: The Color and effects of the robot and background were created by myself. Created with the use of a Waccom graphics tablet.
Created using photoshop: The Color and effects of the robot and background were created by myself. Created with the use of a Waccom graphics tablet.
Gundam Robot 4 - Created using photoshop: The Color and effects of the robot and background were created by myself. Created with the use of a Waccom graphics tablet.
Robot Illustrations
Jared Thompson
Jared Thompson: Product Designer Bolton, Manchester, United Kingdom