Care Flight
Spock - drawn in photoshop.
M.O.M. - Logo/T-shirt icon created for a coverband called Masters of Montage. Based on Ed Hardy tattoos, drawn by hand and then created in Adobe Illustrator.
Graphics Fairy - A coworker started calling me this so I drew a picture for my FB profile.
Kirk - drawn in photoshop.
Kitchen Dancer - Dancer created with kitchen appliances in Maya.
Mural - Painted over the doors to the church nursury.
friends - Illustrations of 4 of my close friends. Created in both Illustrator and Photoshop.
Morgan - Cartoon of a coworker. Drawn in photoshop.
mission - collage from different papers and magazines. Many pictures were from Teen Mania mission trip brochures. The image reminds me of my trip to South Africa. This was awarded a gold medal at the VASE competition in 2004
let's not grow up - quick sketch used on a birthday card for one of my best friends. We have been friends since kindergarten.
quick sketch - sketched and then colored in photoshop
Grand baby 1 - Graphite Sketch
first kiss - 18X24 in charcoal. This picture is of a twin boy and girl. The girl was kept at the hospital with Spinabifida (sp) and this is the first picture of their reunion.

These are illustrations that did not go with another project. I have custom illustrations on several of my projects.

Jessica Carpenter
Graphic Designer Euless, TX