exercise express logo - logo for a personal trianing company that comes to your home or workplace to work with you.
Exercise Express Mailer - Exercise Express is a personal training company that comes to your home or office to create a workout specificly for you, on your time. This mailer has different benefits of working out printed in clear gloss on the cover. When the mailer is opened and closed a pop up of a girl appears to do sit ups. Recieved a bronze medal in the Art Directors Club of Houston Show 2009.
Exercise Express Mailer - Exercise Express is a personal training company that comes to your home or office to create a workout specificly for you, on your time. This mailer has different benefits of working out printed in clear gloss on the cover. When the mailer is opened and closed a pop up of a girl appears to do sit ups. Recieved a bronze medal in the Art Directors Club of Houston Show 2009.
Exercise Express Web Design - Home Page (1/3) - Web design for a Personal Training Company that brings their equipment to your home or office. Accepted into the ADCH Show 2009 Home page has a stop watch, the hands rotate. As you roll over the arrows it extends. (As shown in side box illustration)
Exercise Express Web Design (2/3) - Web design for a Personal Training Company that brings their equipment to your home or office. Accepted into the ADCH Show 2009 When you click on an extended arrow it then "wooshes" down into the clock and then a white line extends and reveals the header of the desired section.
Exercise Express Web Design (3/3) - Web design for a Personal Training Company that brings their equipment to your home or office. Accepted into the ADCH Show 2009 From header: Icons reveal below. When rolled over, the icons show tabs with the title of the corresponding page. When an icon is clicked the same white line unfolds to show the "tab" with pictures and information. All of the tabs can be shown at one time, as illustrated in boxes above.
Exercise Express
Jessica Carpenter
Graphic Designer Euless, TX