De Pour De Pour from Igor Zemskov De Pour De.Pour - International design competition for DNA+ to create a bathroom accessory, which complimented their current line of products. De.Pour - International design competition for DNA+ to create a bathroom accessory, which complimented their current line of products. De.Pour - International design competition for DNA+ to create a bathroom accessory, which complimented their current line of products. De.Pour - International design competition for DNA+ to create a bathroom accessory, which complimented their current line of products. De.Pour - International design competition for DNA+ to create a bathroom accessory, which complimented their current line of products. De.Pour - International design competition for DNA+ to create a bathroom accessory, which complimented their current line of products. De.Pour - International design competition for DNA+ to create a bathroom accessory, which complimented their current line of products. gLike De Pour Industrial Design Share R 7 n Igor Zemskov Student Dublin, OH Follow Contact