Ivy light photos - Co - project with Specgrupa Projektowa 8183. IVY is a home source of light made from LEDs. The lamp consist of modules. Connecting them we decide about form and size of the lamp. The base of the lamp is a flowerpot, in which we are planting plants like ivy (hedera helix). The light is penetrating through leaves of the plant creating interesting lighting effects and the unique mood in the interior. The design is our attempt to combine nature with technology, two seemingly unfamiliar worlds.
Ivy light - Co - project Specgrupa Projektowa 8183. Inspiration: - human requirement of contact with nature - not enough plants in public spaces - antihuman architecture - life in continuous stress and hurry (rat race) - technology imitating solutions applied by the nature
IVY Light
Izabela Cichecka
Industrial / Graphic Designer/ Design Manager Warszawa, Poland