Rotating dining table. - This is the 360 Bar and Dining Room Ad. The media of this ad is a billboard. The Ad consists of 2 parts which are foreground and background. The foreground part is a fine dining table set which is a pop-out 3D image which rotates 360 degree clockwise on the background. The background is a Satelite image of Sydney, and the dining table is centered on the actual 360 Bar and Dining location.
Billboard ad - This is the 360 Bar and Dining Room Ad. The media of this ad is a billboard. The Ad consists of 2 parts which are foreground and background. The foreground part is a fine dining table set which is a pop-out 3D image which rotates 360 degree clockwise on the background. The background is a Satelite image of Sydney, and the dining table is centered on the actual 360 Bar and Dining location.
360 Bar and Dining Room Oneoff ad
Irenne Tjokrodinata
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