Solar Lantern for Hiking - This solar lantern is designed to aid back country hikers. It is small, portable, and able to hang from the back of a backpack. Its solar panels absorb power during the day and act as tripod legs at night while in use.
Giant Bicycle Design Competition - Frame designs developed for a Giant Design Competition
Giant Bicycle Design Competition
Faucet Design - This faucet fixture was designed to break the paradigm for bathroom faucets. The design uses a motion sensor to detect the presence of hands within the ring, causing water to cascade from different angles to give a new waterfall like experience to the user. Raising the ring provides a direct flow from the faucet in a traditional fashion when needed.
One Device Ideation - Consumer Debt is rising daily in America. The reason is due to the constant use of credit and debit cards without knowledge of how much is being spent until the end of the month. This new wallet is electronic with an OLED screen. It allows you to always know whats in your account so that you don't overspend. Also, you can pick and choose to make it your cellphone, keys, and more!
ONE DEVICE: Wireless banking meets.. everything in your pocket - Consumer Debt is rising daily in America. The reason is due to the constant use of credit and debit cards without knowledge of how much is being spent until the end of the month. This new wallet is electronic with an OLED screen. It allows you to always know whats in your account so that you don't overspend. Also, you can pick and choose to make it your cellphone, keys, and more!
Mountain Bike Helmet
Anti-snag bayonet Receiver Alias Renderings - These are renderings of a an oxygen mask's bayonet reciever. It is mounted to the side of a helmet and is designed so that objects such as a parachute strap will not get snagged on it during an ejection.
WETWORKS BACKPACK - Backpack designed specifically for elementary school age group. The design was focused on providing a backpack that would be durable and water-proof.
Chair design
Chair design
Tonka Toy design - Examples of Tonka Town playset ideation and Tonka Truck future design/color study renderings.
Mead Business Organizer
Mead School Products licensed by Nike
Random Projects
Aaron Abbott
Industrial Design Manager at Midea Louisville, KY