Treadmill - Folding Design - Various Home use Treadmill designs. Styled to match companies existing line of exercise equipment, which were made with aluminum die-cast joints. Introduced innovations such as a harder deck coating material; which had a lower coefficient of friction as well as a lower cost incline lift mechanism.
Treadmill - Manual Tilt Design - Various Home use Treadmill designs. Styled to match companies existing line of exercise equipment made with aluminum die-cast joints. Introduced innovations such as a harder deck coating material, with a lower coefficient of friction, as well as a lower cost incline lift mechanism.
Treadmill - Cast Aluminum Lift Arm Design - Various Home use Treadmill designs. Styled to match companies existing line of exercise equipment made with aluminum die-cast joints. Introduced innovations such as a harder deck coating material, with a lower coefficient of friction, as well as a lower cost incline lift mechanism.
Cast Aluminum Lift Arm - Detail - Various Home use Treadmill designs. Styled to match companies existing line of exercise equipment made with aluminum die-cast joints. Introduced innovations such as a harder deck coating material, with a lower coefficient of friction, as well as a lower cost incline lift mechanism.
Mechanical Lift - Compressed - Various Home use Treadmill designs. Styled to match companies existing line of exercise equipment made with aluminum die-cast joints. Introduced innovations such as a harder deck coating material, with a lower coefficient of friction, as well as a lower cost incline lift mechanism.
Mechanical Lift - Uncompressed - Various Home use Treadmill designs. Styled to match companies existing line of exercise equipment made with aluminum die-cast joints. Introduced innovations such as a harder deck coating material, with a lower coefficient of friction, as well as a lower cost incline lift mechanism.
Cast Aluminum Lift - Overhead View - Various Home use Treadmill designs. Styled to match companies existing line of exercise equipment made with aluminum die-cast joints. Introduced innovations such as a harder deck coating material, with a lower coefficient of friction, as well as a lower cost incline lift mechanism.
Treadmill - Multiple Concepts

Researched and developed motorized home use treadmills. Introducing such innovations as a low-friction/higher durability deck coating material, as well as a lower cost mechanical incline lift mechanism

Jim Henceroth
Product and CAD Designer at I4Design Ravenna, OH