Cloud Forest Research Station - This project was the culmination of a years worth of reseach into research station design, biodegradeable composites, monocoque shells, horticulture, and product design.
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Cloud Forest Research Station - This project was the culmination of a years worth of reseach into research station design, biodegradeable composites, monocoque shells, horticulture, and product design.
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Cloud Forest Research Station - This project was the culmination of a years worth of reseach into research station design, biodegradeable composites, monocoque shells, horticulture, and product design.
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Cloud Forest Research Station - This project was the culmination of a years worth of reseach into research station design, biodegradeable composites, monocoque shells, horticulture, and product design.
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Cloud Forest Research Station - This project was the culmination of a years worth of reseach into research station design, biodegradeable composites, monocoque shells, horticulture, and product design.
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Cloud Forest Research Station - This project was the culmination of a years worth of reseach into research station design, biodegradeable composites, monocoque shells, horticulture, and product design.
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Cloud Forest Research Station - This project was the culmination of a years worth of reseach into research station design, biodegradeable composites, monocoque shells, horticulture, and product design.
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Senior Thesis
Hunter Ruthrauff
Senior Bridge Designer at T.Y. Lin International San Diego, CA