Dragonlilly - Dragonlilly was a competition/ publication entry exploring issues of excess and access in installation design. The project was also an investigation into extreme cantilevered conditions that drew on biomathematical logic and morpholical geometry from three distinctly different organisms. The project was designed with both top-down and bottom up methodologies requiring both analogue and scripted sensibilities.
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Dragonlilly - Dragonlilly was a competition/ publication entry exploring issues of excess and access in installation design. The project was also an investigation into extreme cantilevered conditions that drew on biomathematical logic and morpholical geometry from three distinctly different organisms. The project was designed with both top-down and bottom up methodologies requiring both analogue and scripted sensibilities.
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Dragonlilly - Dragonlilly was a competition/ publication entry exploring issues of excess and access in installation design. The project was also an investigation into extreme cantilevered conditions that drew on biomathematical logic and morpholical geometry from three distinctly different organisms. The project was designed with both top-down and bottom up methodologies requiring both analogue and scripted sensibilities.
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Wall Connection - This is a conceptual detail for how to connect the armatures to the wall. Ideally the installation would be additively manufactured but technology is not there yet. Thinking subtractively one would have to construct the dragonlilly in sections starting from the wall. This detail is typically seen in product design - golf clubs specifically - where both the male and female parts of the connection is ribbed and the space between is filled with epoxy.
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Hunter Ruthrauff
Senior Bridge Designer at T.Y. Lin International San Diego, CA