This is the Main Menu of the Dimension Travel game. There is background picture, title, and 3 buttons: 'Start' for start the game, 'Settings' for set the game's settings, and 'Quit' for exit the game.
This is Settings UI Design of this game.
This is the Road Design for all maps/levels. Each map have same road placement but they have different obstacle like the lava on lava map's road or the slippery ice road area on Ice Map.
Gameplay picture 1 at lava map. There's 2 enemies: dragon and scorpion, and the HUD on the game.
Gameplay picture 2 at ice map.
Gameplay picture 3 show Dimension Mode active. Dimension Mode is needed to move another level. When its activated, the 'Wrap' button will appear at above 'Gas' button.
Dimension Travel

Dimension Travel is a 2D game that player roam around the map using a car to find a certain object in each map. There's some enemies spread on the map. The player must reach on certain speed to move to next level/map. The game run on Android device.
This project was carried by 3 people. My role in this project as game designer & programmer. I designed the premise the game, level, player control, enemies behavior, etc. I used Unity as the game Engine.

Dimension Travel adalah sebuah gim 2D di mana pemain berkeliling dengan mobil ke seluruh peta untuk mencari objek tertentu di setiap peta. Terdapat musuh yang tersebar di setiap peta. Pemain harus mencapai kecepatan tertentu untuk pindah level/peta berikutnya. Gim ini dijalankan pada perangkat Android.
Proyek ini dikerjakan oleh 3 orang. Peran saya pada proyek ini sebagai Game Desainer dan Programmer. Saya mendesain premis gim, level, kendali pemain, perilaku musuh, dll. Saya menggunakan Unity sebagai Game Engine-nya.

Freelance, Full-time
Hendrasworo Enggar Nugroho
Game Designer Purworejo, Indonesia