Yes, this is the game thumbnail on this game. You can play it on
Game play picture. The background will change its color periodically. Player must match the center color to the background at deadline time. The center color will change EACH click. The score will only added if player click the white square.
This is game over picture.
Click The White Square

This project was submitted to Low Effort Jam 15 by pixxy on The game is about to click the white square but the player must set the color of the center box same as the color of the background before the deadline. I designed the rule of the game, requirement, etc. I used my lowest effort as I can to make this game. Therefore, I didn't think about the aesthetics and the level of progression in this project. For game engine that I used, I used Construct 2.

Proyek ini submisi untuk Low Effort Jam 15 oleh pixxy di Gim ini tentang mengklik kotak putih tetapi pemain harus mengatur warna kotak tengah sama dengan warna latar belakang sebelum batas waktu tertentu. Saya mendesain aturan gim, kebutuhan di dalamnya, dll. Saya menggunakan lowest-effort saya untuk membuat gim ini. Oleh karena itu, saya tidak memikirkan estetika dan level progression dalam proyek ini. Untuk engine game yang saya gunakan, saya menggunakan Construct 2.

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Freelance, Full-time
Hendrasworo Enggar Nugroho
Game Designer Purworejo, Indonesia