Springtime Village - ...my art style "Marty Slim" for chubby little people, round trees, and colorful landscapes.
Frost Fairy - 2003 Christmas Card Image Craft, Inc. (it hits the shelves for the first time in the USA & Canada this year, and has already had a lot of great responses from consumers, especially females ages 7 - 80!) Embelishments include: sparkle holographic foil caption heading & "sparkles" flowing from fairy.
Umbrellas - ...painted fondly remembering my time in Vancouver, B.C., where the colors of our umbrellas was the most colorful thing we saw during six months of our rainy season... (watercolor & pencil) (available at www.imagezoo.com)
Santa - 2003 Christmas Card for Image Craft, Inc. I illustrated this image while in college (Capilano College), for a fundraiser for our grad...out of 20 different Christmas cards, it reigned in 1/3 of our profits. I sold it to Image Craft while I working in their employ as a designer...there should be about 16000 of them circulating this Christmas, so keep your eye out!
Meadow Landscape - My traditional side...my "Anna Sainsbury" style focuses on watercolor & pastel landscapes, florals, and other elements of nature. Several of my paintings have been featured in the newly launched greeting card lines Voices of Faith (Lawson Falle Publishing Ltd.) and Thoughtful Blessings (Image Craft, Inc.).
Heather Castles
Illustrator Adelaide, Australia