Concept sketch of a closer look (side A)
Concept sketch of a closer look (side B)
Concept sketch of a closer look (side C)
Concept sketch of a closer look (side D)
Initial idea generation - storyboard
Initial idea generation
Poster submitted for the competition, including features, user experience, and manufacturing details
O'Hare Baby Changing Station

This project is a third-prize winner in the design competition "Create to Construct" which values the manufacturability of a design as much as the creativity.
The design of Cradle Space is set outside of the bathroom and creates a space specifically for parents to change, and spend time with their babies because according to my survey, more than 80% of parents think bathroom is inhygenic. The trapezoidal shape allows different arrangements of the set to accommodate airport spaces. The entire set is foldable for easy transportation.
Inside the Cradle Space, the two tables together with the changing surface create a U shape, so that everything the parents need to change their babies will be within easy reach. The changing surface, the “cradle”, is composed of a metal tube frame with a removable cotton covering. This design ensures manufacturability as well as a soft and warm texture. The cotton covering can be changed and machine washed regularly to ensure a clean surface.

Freelance, Full-time
Ruijing (Hazel) Yan
Masters Design Student at Royal College of Art 埃文斯顿, IL