Collapsible helmet design for nike (Brief by Green Room Retail UK)
In-Situ of Nike collapsible helmet
In-situ of kitchen utensil display storage unit
Leather hybrid lounge/desk chair render
Ash Piano stool with hollow storage area
Bumble stool (Winner of 2013 Gung Ho retail (formerly S&X media) competition) Put into commission at the Gung Ho office HQ (Jewelry Quarter, Birmingham)
In-Situ of garden lamp
Jaguar inspired hair-dryer
Garden lamp render
Semi In-Situ of corrugated table. Hollow middle for storage, corrugation for strength. Integrated screens on tabletop with inter-connectivity to encourage teamwork.
CAD Modelling + Rendering

3D CAD Renders and In-Situ compositions using CAD modelling software, rendering agents and photo enhancing packages.

Hans Ramzan
First class honours in Product Design (BA) Birmingham, United Kingdom