Primary View SHOWROOM COOMARTS [2016_2017] / Showroom design and re_modeling for online store project; This design was commissioned by COOTEL [telecommunications multinational franchise based in Nicaragua] / Concept design envisioned to be detail-oriented and committed to high quality finishes to ensure the user of the space a unique experience with new electronics testing and high end new technology experimenting / Design compounded skilled carpentry work [including custom furniture design], deeply thought out lightning design and a corporate branding curated driven color palette; materials choices and texture selections were intentionally produced for the space to be equally visually enticing both during daytime and nigh time.
Primary View_enhanced
Primary View [Varition]
Primary view variation
Layout variation
Wall Texture
Vestibule desk design [Asymmetric]/ Design process registry
Vestibule desk design proposal / Choice of brushed metallic surface [Front] covering wooden paneling, metallic rectangular frame structure for support on one side only, mate brown thick melamine on top / Branded front with company LOGO / Cold led lightning design.
Vestibule desk design proposal [rear view]/ Choice of brushed metallic surface [Front] covering wooden paneling, metallic frame structure for support on one side only, mate brown thick melamine on top.
Asymmetric vestibule desk design side view
Asymmetric vestibule desk design proposal side view
Furniture design proposal [Asymmetric] / Choice of mate dark brown melamine surfaces over brushed metallic paneling on drawers / [5.23 meters long]_[1.10 meters high]
Shelves / color coded early diagram and finished look / Choice of brushed metallic surfaces to partially cover rectangular metallic structure and clear mate melamine. These full height shelves extend all along the walls of the premises allowing to maximize the use of space. They are ergonomic and custom-made for the purpose of displaying products and at the same time storing them.
Lightning effects / LED / warm in specific areas
Furniture design proposals / Choice of brushed metallic surfaces on structure and mate clear melamine for cover ups / Branded columns with company LOGO / Includes LED lightning installation and moderately thick clear acrylic paneling with branded vinyl cuttings to achieve see through subtle visuals throughout the space.
Virtual room [early assembly stages] / Virtual room [advanced] / Achievement in lightning effects / LED / Cold in specific areas / Orange gypsum board paneling

SHOWROOM COOMARTS [2016_2017] / Showroom design and re_modeling for online store project; This design was commissioned by COOTEL [telecommunications multinational franchise based in Nicaragua] / Concept design envisioned to be detail-oriented and committed to high quality finishes to ensure the user of the space a unique experience with new electronics testing and high end new technology experimenting / Design compounded skilled carpentry work [including custom furniture design], deeply thought out lightning design and a corporate branding curated driven color palette; materials choices and texture selections were intentionally produced for the space to be equally visually enticing both during daytime and nigh time.

Freelance, Full-time
Heyton Urtecho
Architecture and Brand Design Managua, Nicaragua