Scribble Town Craft Sheet - One of many worksheets that I helped design and illustrate for the Scribble Town brand. Scribble Town is an art-themed fantasy world intended to educate and inspire young children.
Sandwich Chair Illustrations
Call Me Friends - Illustrations for a toy character and accessories
Warrior Juice Blends - Illustration, graphics, and branding for children's beverage
Totalitea - Packaging for concept tea brand that encompasses a wide variety of teas from around the world
Debut for Women - Packaging for women's fragrance
Ascent for Men - Packaging for men's fragrance Copyright 2008 Noel Spangler
Ascent for Men - Print Advertisement
50 Ways to Serve Pizza - Cover design for a novelty book
NY Minute Dating - Logo for a speed dating company in New York City
Storyboard - Sample storyboard frames from research on the visually impaired.
Graphics & Illustration