The Sandwich Chair - This unique furniture toy is designed for ages 3 to 7. Using stackable pillows that double as sandwich layers, children can change the height and design of the chair as they grow.
The Sandwich Chair - This unique furniture toy is designed for ages 3 to 7. Using stackable pillows that double as sandwich layers, children can change the height and design of the chair as they grow.
Lock Buddy - Geared toward 4 to 6 year olds, this working toy puts a playful spin on the standard adult combination lock. (Modeled in Solidworks 3D) Copyright 2008 Noel Spangler
Lock Buddy - Geared toward 3 to 6 year olds, this working toy puts a playful spin on the standard adult combination lock. (Modeled in Solidworks 3D) Copyright 2008 Noel Spangler
Call Me Friends - "Call Me" is a brand of communication toys that gives 3 to 6 year-olds the experience of communicating wirelessly with their dolls and stuffed animals. Call Me characters would come with 3 digit phone numbers and would be programmed to talk to children when they call. Copyright 2008 Noel Spangler Photo credit: Frank Ritter
Call Me Friends - "Call Me" is a brand of communication toys that gives 3 to 6 year-olds the experience of communicating wirelessly with their dolls and stuffed animals. Call Me characters would come with 3 digit phone numbers and would be programmed to talk to children when they call. Copyright 2008 Noel Spangler
Warrior Juice - Package concept rendering for children's beverage brand Copyright 2008 Noel Spangler
Kill All Evil! The Anti-Game - Designed to raise social and political awareness, Kill All Evil! is an interactive experience that challenges our conditioned ways of thinking and behaving. This satirical "game" turns the classic Whack-a-Mole arcade on its head. When one devil is hit, it causes two more to pop up - a pattern that leads inevitably to the end of the world.
Ascent - Fragrance for Men - Targeted toward the ambitious cosmopolitan businessman, the Ascent fragrance uses a bold symbolic form to encapsulate its users' dream of 'rising to the top.' The design is inspired by images of the corporate world and the New York City skyline. Copyright 2008 Noel Spangler Photo credit: Frank Ritter
Ascent - Fragrance for Men - Targeted toward the ambitious cosmopolitan businessman, the Ascent fragrance uses a bold symbolic form to encapsulate its users' dream of 'rising to the top.' The design is inspired by images of the corporate world and the New York City skyline. Copyright 2008 Noel Spangler Photo credit: Frank Ritter
Global Mind Hat - Design for a soft fleece hat that doubles as the earth. The concept is inspired by new discoveries about the connection between our minds and the world we perceive around us. Copyright 2008
Pyramid Hour Glass - Three-dimensional display piece inspired by Ancient Mayan concepts of time Copyright 2008
3D & Product Design