Idea 1. People like me (landing page) - what: How Hiscox small- business customers succeed in an uncertain worls. - Brand alignment: It highlights the SME owners who share the Hiscox values. - Driving revenue: By providing implicit reassurance and advocacy.
Idea 1. People like me (detail page)
Idea 1. People like me (detail page 2)
Idea 2. What's right for me? (landing page) - What: Making the acquisition journey engaging and efficient for people who don't yet know what type of cover they need - Brand alignment: It provides a tailored experience of a specialist provider - Driving revenue: It makes it easier to find - and understand - the appropriate cover.
Idea 2. What's right for me? (landing page with results)
Idea 2. What's right for me? (detail page)
Idea 3. Open Knowledge - What: Getting visitors data-led visually rich insights into their business sector. They can drill down to reveal what this means for their industry and location. - Brand alignment: It makes Hiscox more transparent - and aligns with the interests of Hiscox customers. - Driving revenue: As well as providing implicit reassurance, this kind of content can drive social-media engagement.
Insurance client - redefining the digital presence to the brand value

Our task.
Present three ideas that would positively impact the brand align revenue with the long term view of site redesign.

My role.
Linking strategy with ux, leading concepting and experience design.

Greet Jans
Associate Creative Director, Experience Design London, United Kingdom