British Gas - pitch - interface and product design
British Gas - Make the invisible visible to
achieve balance in the home (Sapient Nitro, 2012).
Key idea of project:
British Gas is installing smart meters in homes ahead of the government-mandated deadline of 2019.
Smart meters can change energy consumption and even energy habits by sharing real-time information about energy use, and by helping people connect usage with precise billing information, or by helping people modulate their usage.
My role:
- defining and developing an overall product experience for British Gas' smart meter device and thermostat (focusing on both the user interface and the industrial design).
- next to the screens for the devices, we also created the interface of the iPhone app and site to control these devices at home and from a distance focusing on a clean simple interaction.
- I was working on both the user interface design as the industrial design track making sure both tracks where aligned.