This is my collection of digital art that I created in Photoshop for contests, for clothing and other products, as well as pieces to add to my portfolio.
Motorcycle - These are some of my 3-D art. They were completely created from scratch and totally original.
Future Bike - These are some of my 3-D art. They were completely created from scratch and totally original.
Mustang - These are some of my 3-D art. They were completely created from scratch and totally original.
I created this flag design as part of another graphic design.
Our Planet - These are some of my 3-D art. They were completely created from scratch and totally original.
The Billiard Zone - Welcome to the Billiard Zone. This was designed and submitted to a contest as a billiard theme.
I created this for my line of products I used to sell online.
Digital Art
This is my collection of digital art that I created in Photoshop for contests, for clothing and other products, as well as pieces to add to my portfolio.