Interactive E-Magazine - Symphony circulated an e-magazine at the end of 06' to all employees and clients about the sucess, press clippings through 2006.
User Flips the pages - Symphony circulated an e-magazine at the end of 06' to all employees and clients about the sucess, press clippings through 2006.
Pages - Symphony circulated an e-magazine at the end of 06' to all employees and clients about the sucess, press clippings through 2006.
Symphony Times 2006 - Interactive E-Magazine - Symphony circulated an e-magazine at the end of 06' to all employees and clients about the sucess, press clippings through 2006.
End Page - Symphony circulated an e-magazine at the end of 06' to all employees and clients about the sucess, press clippings through 2006.
Symphony Times 2006
Gina Fernandes
User Interface Designer Dubai, United Arab Emirates