The main feature that the camera provides is Line of Sight (LOS), this is represented by a cone that is projected in front of the camera. If the LOS cone comes into contact with an obstacle which is invisible then it will become visible and solid, allowing the player to interact with the object. There are also some visible objects that if the camera interact with the object with become invisible and will not be solid anymore.
The camera has the 8 direction behaviour. This allows it to move up, down, left, right and diagonally. The direction the camera points is changed every tick to the direction that the mouse is from the camera. The LOS object is then positioned at the end of the camera object and points in the same direction as the camera does.
The human has the behaviour “Platform”, this allows the human to move left, right and jump. The “Platform” behaviour also causes the human to be affected by gravity.
As well as being able to move left and right the human is able to climb ladders. This is done by modifying the humans y position by -90 when travelling up the ladder and modifying the humans y position by 90 when travelling down the ladder.
In the game there are many objects in the environment that the human and camera are able to interact with. These can help the players and hinder the players. If the camera comes into contact with a fireball then the camera will be destroyed and the level will be restarted. If the camera comes into contact with the Lock object then the animation of the Lock object will be set to 1, this represents the door being open. If the camera comes into contact with the exit on level two then the level will be complete and the layout will be changed to layout 3 which is the third level of the game.
If the player comes into contact with one of the exit blocks then the level will change. There are a couple of buttons throughout the levels which when interacted with by the human will aid the camera. The human is also able to collect coins in the level, which add 10 points to the score. If the player comes into contact with a spike, fireball or lava then the player will be destroyed and the level will restart.
Clairvoyance - Global Game Jam 2014

Clairvoyance is a 2D cooperative game where you play as either the human or the camera, together the two players must work together to complete the level. This game was a group project completed as part of the 2014 Global Game Jam. This game was created using the drag and drop program Construct 2.

The 2014 Global Game Jam is where participants are given 48 hours to create a game from scratch based on a certain theme. The theme of the 2014 Global Game Jam was the quote “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are”. My group took this on board and we interpreted it as everything looks different to each person. To implement this into our game we made it so that there are obstacles which are invisible and not solid that the human player is not able to see. However if the camera player pans their vision over the obstacles they become visible and solid so the player can interact with them.

Gethin Watkins
Student Leicester, United Kingdom