Super Heroes Super Heroes from Christopher Foster Super Heroes The Roach - This guy is a vigilante who protects his city with the Iron fist of his "Bug Bat"!! Mr. Mystic - This is a collection of super heroes. Super Toast - The human squid is more squid than human, and that's the way he wants it. Super Toast - The Bulge is the self-appointed lead of Super Toast Super Toast - Don't ask too many questions, because we honestly don't know. Super Toast - The human enigma known as "Rodberg". Well he's really strong, and so is his stench. Super Toast - This is a collection of super heroes. This is Super Toast in all of its glory. This photo includes "The Poot". The one being vocal and vulgar. That's just Poot. Big Bunny God? gLike Super Heroes Illustrator Illustration Share R 7 n Christopher Foster Illustrator/cartoonist Overland Park, KS Follow Contact