planezzzz - some random sketches when i think of planes
This is a story board which is about the storyline for a luggage advertisement. this ad shows shows that the luggage is very durable despite being slammed around many many many times
a small design of lion plush
Random nonsense - like the title says... random nonsense XD
Sarobag Buckle - A design project duing my internship @ ODM Asia. This is a bag buckle design... thinking on how i can make the buckle more outstanding using simple mechanisms
Sarobag - A design project duing my internship @ ODM Asia. This sketch is about the bag design and form of bag
Sarobag - A design project duing my internship @ ODM Asia.
New Lamp - some thumbnail design of table lamps
Sketch on bag designs

Sketch Sketch Sketch~~~

Hao xin Choo
Designer Singapore, Singapore