Buckeye Ranch ad from the LearnCareGive campaign - The Buckeye Ranch provides a safe-haven for troubled youth in the Columbus, Ohio area. This ad is part of the Learn Care Give capital campaign to raise awareness and funds about the Ranch and future expansion plans. I developed the Learn Care Give concept along with a web page, community report and collateral system. See more at www.learncaregive.org
McDonald's New Times ad featured in GD USA 07' - This hero-themed ad was created for the New Times in Miami Florida. It won an Addy and was featured in the December issue of GD USA along with A Fahlgren Christmas card I had designed.
NAPA - Goodguys Mobile Tour - Experiential: This game-show themed Good-Guys mobile tour allowed attenders to partake in a Napa themed game show to win cool prizes. Games included, "Know your Napa" trivia games, "NAPA challenge" - a reaction time test, a NAPA oil filters recycling bean-bag toss and a "Name that part" image de-scramble race. Each challenge allowed the participants and crowd to learn more about NAPA services and parts while creating a fun brand experience.
Children's Hospital Report to the Community - This 77 page Report to the Community for the Natiowide Children's Hospital tackled the 7 most commonly treated issues. Each section included a case-study with photography, shot in-home, with each former patient. A round-table discussion, professional advice and a call to contribute summed up the booklet. It was distributed at a community black-tie event to raise awareness and funds fighting childhood obesity. The book is tabloid sized on a very thin uncoated Cougar paper.
End AIDS in Africa Concert in Flyer - Magenta version of the CMYK 4-up flyers.
Cooper Mobile Tour Design - Experiential: This mobile tour design included concepting the vehicle, purchasing the truck, designing the graphic look, interior, on-board arcade and developing scheduled shows/giveaways. The idea is to create a memorable brand experience with Cooper that the audience can identify with and understand. The trailer needed to be large enough to accommodate a lounge, office and storage space for event props, giveaways etc...
VISIT Florida - Promotional kit mailed to business planners for a tourism event
Jeni's - A strategy book prepared for Jeni's ice cream
Jeni's - A strategy book prepared for Jeni's ice cream
Portfolio Samples
Bill Fioritto
Sr. Art Director at Fahlgren Columbus, OH