Moschino Window Display
Moschino Window Display - In order to foster the concept of humor, amusement and young in Moschino fashion, the windows are suggested to the displays that use chess pieces as main props in the dismissal of mannequins.
Moschino Window Display - In order to foster the concept of humor, amusement and young in Moschino fashion, the windows are suggested to the displays that use chess pieces as main props in the dismissal of mannequins.
Moschino Window Display - In order to foster the concept of humor, amusement and young in Moschino fashion, the windows are suggested to the displays that use chess pieces as main props in the dismissal of mannequins.
Moschino Window Display - In order to foster the concept of humor, amusement and young in Moschino fashion, the windows are suggested to the displays that use chess pieces as main props in the dismissal of mannequins.
MOSCHINO Primary Wall Set Up 1
MOSCHINO Primary Wall Set Up 2
MOSCHINO Floor Plan - Based on the concept of the Empire, the store was to visualized the exclusivity of royalty and luxury with King and Queen throne and the sets of inferior merits serving along the red carpet.
Visual Display for MOSCHINO

Inspired by Chess and the elements of the board game, I wanted to embraced the joy, humor and whimsy of the brand for long has been well-known for its unpredictable beauty: Moschino, also, my favorite brand.

Fionne Nguyen
Creative Director San Francisco, CA