Center Table - This centerpiece is a proposal developed from a research study and spinning techniques, carried out with a group of spinners of Fonqueta in the town of Chia, near Bogota. In this product, I proposed to Investigate the possibility of working with different materials such as stainless steel and wood, combining the original material they work with the Spinners, which is the wool. Indigenous forms in the finish, hinting at the Indian heritage that has these town as pre-Columbian historical center.
Case - The proposed development of a case for an ipod, born here of the need to expand once again, the possibility that the spinners of Fonqueta, to find new ways to market. This case combines two materials that initially have no relationship to each other. The neoprene, combined with the technique of spinning wool in these figures characteristics of this group of spinners, gives a unique finishing and original product presentation.
Vending Spot - This point of sale, it was realized as part of the investigation that was done, in order to present a more nice offer to the kiosks of sale that has the city of Bogota located. In this product there was born in mind the relation of purchase - sale that is given to the interior of these kiosks, to be able this way making an analogy to the cave reduce this relation and parallel to implement a product that joins totally with the street furniture of the city.
Academic Jobs
Juan Sebastian Rizo...
I believe in doing things with honesty, responsibility and creativity. Bogota, Colombia