Hello everyone! This is an old design I made a while ago and then decide to go back and update some of the features. Both models seen here are SoundBots; however one is SoundBot Retro and SoundBot Future.
SoundBot Retro was the first one created trying to think of an old robot put together with scrap pieces found in an average metal shop so the body and head are made from numerous small plates. SoundBot Future was definitely a challenge because I wanted unifying elements between both SoundBots but still making SoundBot Future more advanced and streamlined. Plus I thought that a robot playing music from the future didn’t really need many visibly speakers but had to light a room so I put rainbow lights just to get the party started!
P.S.: Forgive the lack of proper mech aspects, I’m not much of one and the legs just gave me the hardest time so they may look a bit unrealistic. Then again, the arms float using boosters.