I call this "Nature in Itself". I used a regular ball point pen to draw this and for shading I did multiple passes over and over to get a smooth shade of light/dark. I started just drawing the curves line the is the tip of the stem to the tip of the leaf. From there I basically just drew what came to mind. The only rule I had was to keep the curve of the leaf on any object drawn.
Got some of the spacing wrong, but overall I think I did pretty well with a pen and pencil combo. I was testing myself to see how well without tracing I can sketch and object. The face is off because I decided to change it. Just felt like it really. The name of the show the character is from is called "Gangsta". Great anime, I do recommend.
Just like my "Gangsta" copy sketch I think I did pretty well with a pen and pencil combo. I was testing myself to see how well without tracing I can sketch an object. I inverted the black/white because I don't have enough time to black an entire page unless I was using charcoal or something with the subtractive drawing method. So to create a bit more detail I created a few more shadows in the hair and collar to show that the light is now coming from the right. The name of the show the character is from is called "Gurren Lagann". Great anime, I HIGHLY recommend!!!!
I call this "Death Can Be Beautiful". The drawing was first done all in pencil, and then I went over the outer border and detail spots on the head with a Fine point pen. The rest of the shading was done all in pencils and eraser to get the gradient look for the tips of the branches. The goal of the piece for me was to use as much of the pages space, which I did but then I started thinking of a deeper meaning for the drawing. I pretty much was thinking that even a dead tree can look beautiful. So I made the branches look like arms and the tips are like fingers. The lines in the trunks are kind like fold lines for a dress, because it is elegant, yet dead.

I always said that I didn’t have the talent to draw. I just love computer generated 3D art so much more I went straight into the field. But without the basic skill of sketching, I’ve learned that your work can suffer from poor execution. So I have gone back to basic with it and am trying to spend more time drawing. Either is something straight out of my head, or a copy sketch, I’m going to get good baby!

Emmanuel Louis
3D Models/Graphic Design Orlando, FL