This is the post-production render with some details Photoshopped back in. Better reflections on the mid-section and the wings are brighter.
Step one was to just start as a suit of armor. This was before the arms were added.
Bit more detail here.
This is where I started to change the direction I was heading in from the being. However its still not the final model.
The final model with the joints. I decided to remove them here because of the idea that a channel of energy flows through it. With that being a kind of skeleton for the model.
The Rig used for the model. There are no bones use in the rig because it was easier and faster for me to just uses the Bend and Twist modifiers in the scene. I know I wouldn't be animating this heavily anytime soon so it actually saved me quite a bit of time to add in the particles.
Broken Wing

This is a both a planned and spontaneous design. Roughly late last year if recall is when I started working on Broken Wing. The theme is heavily inspired by angels and heaven, hence the halo and gold/silver colors. I the main focus I wanted for this model was to use more special fx like particles, glossier textures, and multiple lights to really invoke emotion. So by removing joints and simplifying the body I wanted the viewer to think about what they are looking at and really study it.

Emmanuel Louis
3D Models/Graphic Design Orlando, FL