Self Help Book Series - Self help books are, in many cases, some of the most poorly designed books on the shelf. This new design for a series of relationship self help books look hand made and persona
These woven narratives intertwine three different artistic expressions: Thoreau's Walking, music lyrics and collage. This journey in book design illustrates my perspective on life. Typically, creation comes from conflict. In design we seek to create a sense of unity. The narratives portray the contrast between traditional social boundaries and the need for complete freedom and endless exploration.
Woven Narrative Trilogy: Spreads - Often the mind does not remember words, but ideas. The narrative ideas are interpreted and presented through collage and music. The completed project offers viewers an opportunity to explore another person's perception of life.
Woven Narrative: Spread - The books won the Titanium Award at Portfolio Center, which is given to a project that best balances two different areas of expertise. In this case the award was for a seamless marriage of illustration and design. To see more visit
Woven Narrative: Spread
Terrain: Annual Report - The theme and title of Terrain's Annual Report is Planning for Growth & Epitomizing Personal Style. As a company, Terrain is hip, savvy and connected. The annual report reflects these key attributes. The company is designed to appeal to people interested in a sophisticated outdoor living experience.
Beach Bums Sunscreen: Promotional Children's Books - The sunscreen is supported by promotional pieces. Each SPF level corresponds with a personality such as Lindsey the Lake Side Lounger, Patrice the Poolside Poet, or Beth the Bouncy Beach Bather. The books are designed to encourage brand loyalty by creating a personal connection with the consumer
Book Design
Elizabeth Haywood
Design/Illustration New York, NY