Sony Wonder Technology Lab

The concept of this project is ‘Meet Your Future Self’.
Sony Wonder Technology Lab provides young visitors with the unique opportunity to experience who they are and explore who they will become. This exhibition enables visitors to “meet their future selves” by discovering their current skills and exploring how those skills and their own natural curiosity leads to all kinds of amazing careers. When people enter the exhibition they get an identity card that will load with the skills they gained at each exhibition area you have devised. The identity card when programmed will say “Hi Eileen, come inside and meet your future self!”

Meet Your Future Self will be a non-linear experience,explored by visitors at their own paces. As visitors move freely throughout the space, they will explore new technology through hands on activities which will awaken them to their own talent and potential. Visitors take a journey to find what their future selves left for them as a surprise.

Eileen Jiseon Kang
Exhibition designer New York, NY