Balance ring Auter 2013 Design: Edgar López Jiménez Materials: Mexican silver 925 and glass Ring and earings Balance Proportion and harmony. A person's ability to act according to reason without being madly driven by own ideas and feelings. Instruments with which gets to handle a difficult situation and problems.
Balance earings Auter 2013 Design: Edgar López Jiménez Materials: Mexican silver 925 and glass Ring and earings Balance Proportion and harmony. A person's ability to act according to reason without being madly driven by own ideas and feelings. Instruments with which gets to handle a difficult situation and problems.
Edgar López para Auter 2013

Auter 2013
Design: Edgar López Jiménez
Materials: Mexican silver 925 and glass
Ring and earings

Proportion and harmony.
A person's ability to act according to reason without being madly driven by own ideas and feelings.
Instruments with which gets to handle a difficult situation and problems.

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Edgar LópezJiménez
Diseñador industrial e investigador con experiencia en diseño de objetos... México City, Mexico