3D Sketch.
3D Sketch.
3D Sketch and refinement model.
3D Sketch and refinement model.
Refinement model and final model.
Refinement model and final model.
Refinement model and final model.
Final solution, physical model.
Product becomes its own packaging. This makes it more sustainable because there is approximately 98% less disposable packaging and the space efficient design allows more to be transported at once, not only increasing the amount that can be shipped with the same amount of fuel, but also increases the amount that can be stored in the same amount of space as other tape dispensers. It also makes the product easy to store for the user. Final solution, physical model.
The packaging can be used to store office supplies, such as paper clips, or used to store the tape dispenser in a drawer or shelf without letting the tape get dusty. Final solution, physical model.
Final solution, physical model.
Sustainable Tape Dispenser

The challenge was to re-design a tape dispenser making it more sustainable while relying solely on 3D sketching and physical applications that I could accomplish without outside help. No 2D sketching allowed or processes that would prohibit making a fully functional and accurate prototype on my own.

This solo project required 3D sketching, product research, sustainable materials research, model making/wood working, and photography.

Elizabeth Schwartz
Industrial Designer Rochester, NY