The design process started with brainstorming, and very simple ideation prototypes. After I had narrowed down the features I wanted to include, I did some sketches to explore the concepts further.
Our client, Magna Seating, wanted us to explore origami and compliant mechanisms as solutions to the limited space problem.
Internal panel of second prototype. We created a list of items likely to be taken on a car ride and assigned each a point ranking. I used the highest ranking items to determine what features would be included in my system.
External view of second prototype. External origami pocket that expands to hold items, panel that opens to reveal hidden storage compartments that reduce likelihood of theft.
One of many origami explorations.
Final origami pocket made of folded nylon reinforced with elastic.
This particular origami pattern allowed the pocket to expand to three times the size of a standard elastic mesh pocket.
Internal view of final prototype.
Final prototype in full use. Origami pocket expands to secure items, panel opens to reveal additional pockets and phone holder. System was able to hold all of our priority ranked items.
Product Development Capstone Project

The current storage solution on automotive seats are outdated and useless. Our goal was to design the new standard of automotive seat back storage that is intuitive, comfortable, and flexible to the needs of the modern rear seat passenger.
• Magna Seating selected my design out of three options
•Used origami, thermoforming, compliant mechanism to solve limited space issues
• Led team in design execution and subsystem development
• Managed team calendar to meet milestones and deadlines
• Design tripled storage capacity and met storage needs defined by customer. Able to store all of the prioritized items required by customers.

Freelance, Full-time
Downing Van...
Mechanical Engineer Provo, UT