Adroit Designers - AD represents a union of multi-disciplined designers of varied backgrounds. Our graphic and industrial design departments collaborate to offer our clients superior work of the highest possible quality and standard. This portfolio represents the Product Development side of AD, headed by Doug Campbell and Zane Cooper, and offers a look at some of the things we do. At AD we pride ourselves on a customized approach to accommodate each of our clients’ specific design needs. In accordance with this design philosophy, projects are carried out in an efficient and cost-effective manner. We strive to exceed our clients’ expectations concerning deadlines, budget and design solution.
SmartKart - NUTRITION: When sick or unhealthy, people often neglect to treat themselves as well as they can. This is usually due to a lack of nutritional knowledge that may otherwise have helped their condition. DIETARY NEEDS: Even when well, individual people have different dietary needs/quirks that will sometimes go unaddressed simply due to lack of an informed option, possibly leading to poorer health. PREPARATION: When people do attempt to eat healthily, they can often feel upset that they are missing out on good things and that healthy food is boring or dissatisfying. CHOICE: When a person writes a shopping list, they offer themselves little choice but that which is in their head. Furthermore, it is easy to forget something and either waste time going back to the store, or deciding to go without the forgotten item. SHOPPING: When at the store, you no longer know what exact food is in your kitchen. This can lead to unnecessary purchase, or a neglected buying opportunity. TRUST/PRIVACY: Any system where personal information is available requires that trust and privacy remain intact. AIMS: a) educate the actively aging in nutrition as a means to good health. -healthy choices and options -increased knowledge of the food -food choices based on the individuals dietary needs b) facilitate the process of food preparation. -make intelligent shopping easier and more accessible -make cooking/recipe instructions simple -develop 'unique-to-individual' menu planner based on health facts
PenScanner - The PenScanner research instrument captures and stores typed or written text and numbers. Developed with professional researches and students in mind the PenScanner is designed to be compact, fully portable (onboard memory card), and easy to use. With wireless web the user can check citations, perform searches, and send text via email. The intuitive interface incorporates edit-on-the-fly capabilities and linking functions to your favorite word processor and other applications such as Word, Outlook, or Palm Pilot. Design features include wireless web access, editing functions, preview LCD screen, ergonomic form and weighting, universally designed and functionally prioritized interface and buttons. Designed for Firewire or USB 2.0.
PA Robots - The personal assistance robots are designed to assist 'actively aging' citizens (persons 60 years of age and older) living in institutional environments such as community centers for the aging, hospitals, and other care facilities. The showcased robot concepts are each uniquely suited to particular tasks within the aforementioned environments. The robots are designed to aid elderly and aging populations in tasks ranging from daily planning to the more intangible qualities offered by companionship. These highly emotive robots express emotional characteristics through the use of light and expressive gesturing movements. These functions can alert patients and residents to changes in environmental variables such as air temperature, humidity, and air quality, and may also offer domestic security by alerting users to the presence of other persons or movement. This project represents a groundbreaking effort towards marketing and designing 'artificially intelligent' technologies for the consumer and institutional marketplace. LadyBug is an emotive personal assistance floor stationed robot designed to accommodate add-on equipment and hardware. LadyBug can manage multiple tasks simultaneously utilizing a subsumption type coding architecture. Ladybug adapts to changing environments and situations and can reorder behavior sequences to accommodate an emergency. Designed to recognize faces and speech patterns, learn voice commands and display emotive behavior through use of head lamps, body movements, and behavior patterns.
Nodephones - PROBLEM STATEMENT: Music has taken on a more digital form providing consumers a variety of new media formats. on one hand this has made it easier for people to exchange music but with so many formats (music stored on memory cards or even inside the players themselves),it has become harder for people to play these files on equipment other than their dedicated player. The typical solution to this problem is to use a cable from player output(minijack port) to stereo inputs(R/L RCA ports). Problems with this solution are as follows: a) we do not always have this cable wherever we go. b) to hell with more cables. RESEARCH and INITIAL DIRECTION: (solving problem a) You don't always have the cable, so what do you have? the player and the headphones for sure! -Adroit incorporated this 'cable' into the design of a new pair of headphones. the only difference between Adroit headphones and a normal pair is that at the location where the wire meets each ear cup there is an RCA coupling. -this enables the user to 'pull out' the male RCA plugs from the female ports in each ear cup and be left with a cable that would be identical to the one needed to connect you to most appliances (TV speakers, stereo, recording equipment, etc.) (solving problem b) -in order to make this wireless Adroit needed to keep the function of the cable without the physical properties of a wire. - Research into short range data exchange resulted in incorporating the low power 'bluetooth' system (already in use) into the design.