Packaging Packaging from Diana Livia Packaging Nokia N70 Limited Edition - Packaging Design & Brochure of Nokia N70 Nokia N70 Limited Edition - Packaging Design & Brochure of Nokia N70 Foodtopia! Gameboard Monopoly - A set of franchise food monopoly game, include brochure, poster, card, money coupons etc. Foodtopia! Gameboard Monopoly - A set of franchise food monopoly game, include brochure, poster, card, money coupons etc. Click Clack Walking Chick - A packaging set of 3 toy (chicken, bunny & hen) that sounds 'click clack' if they walk. Ipod Goes Green Limited Edition - A packaging design for iPod Yogurtland Packaging gLike Packaging Art Direction Share R 7 n Diana Livia Follow your dream -- Let your creativity talks! Bandung, Indonesia Follow Contact