Concert Poster
Grave Yard - ink on paper and live traced in Illustrator.
Voyeur - original photography and edited in Photoshop
Untitled - acrylic on canvas 48" x 24"
Cycle - hand drawn in pen on paper
Great Black and White - hand drawn tattoo for a fisherman in Florida
Shark Attack - This was the one he selected.
Curiosity - done in photoshop cs3, using layers, effects, and filters
Bridgette - done in Illustrator cs3 using the pen tool. edited in photoshop.
Run for the Roses - Illustrator cs3. on a water bottle for an annual marathon.
oil on canvas 13"x10" and some hot glue
winter at last - oil on canvas 5'x3'
cranes in the shrewsbury - oil paint for monoprint.
fall - oil paint for monoprint
faces - oil paint for monoprint.
mom's apple pie - oil paint for monoprint
awkward togetherness - oil paint, hot glue on particle board 9"x12"
pandamonium - latex matte paint and tissue paper on canvas 5'x4'
Illustrator - Photoshop - Paintings
Devin Gertler
Industrial Designer/Project Management New York, NY