Project Don't forget the caretaker - 3D model of the products in the system - First year Team project; 20 project days. Develop a product/system that easens the life for caretakers of alzheimer patients. We developed the Reminder Bracelet which keeps track of and alerts the caretaker about a certain task the patient needs to do and normally would forget (e.g. regularly go to the toilet). Use of subtle communication and a smart system made this the product idea with most potential on a congress on this topic in Tilburg, Netherlands.
Project Don't forget the caretaker - ideal scenario of use - First year Team project; 20 project days. Develop a product/system that easens the life for caretakers of alzheimer patients. We developed the Reminder Bracelet which keeps track of and alerts the caretaker about a certain task the patient needs to do and normally would forget (e.g. regularly go to the toilet). Use of subtle communication and a smart system made this the product idea with most potential on a congress on this topic in Tilburg, Netherlands.
Project Don't forget the caretaker - other scenario of use - First year Team project; 20 project days. Develop a product/system that easens the life for caretakers of alzheimer patients. We developed the Reminder Bracelet which keeps track of and alerts the caretaker about a certain task the patient needs to do and normally would forget (e.g. regularly go to the toilet). Use of subtle communication and a smart system made this the product idea with most potential on a congress on this topic in Tilburg, Netherlands.
Project Don't forget the caretaker - other scenario of use - First year Team project; 20 project days. Develop a product/system that easens the life for caretakers of alzheimer patients. We developed the Reminder Bracelet which keeps track of and alerts the caretaker about a certain task the patient needs to do and normally would forget (e.g. regularly go to the toilet). Use of subtle communication and a smart system made this the product idea with most potential on a congress on this topic in Tilburg, Netherlands.
Project Don't forget the caretaker - user test - First year Team project; 20 project days. Develop a product/system that easens the life for caretakers of alzheimer patients. We developed the Reminder Bracelet which keeps track of and alerts the caretaker about a certain task the patient needs to do and normally would forget (e.g. regularly go to the toilet). Use of subtle communication and a smart system made this the product idea with most potential on a congress on this topic in Tilburg, Netherlands.
The Reminder Bracelet
Dirk van Erve
About me Tilburg, Netherlands